Ratchet and Clank Codes

Big Head For Clank
After beating Drek, go to the Goodies screen and do the following moves: Flip Back, Hyper-Strike, Comet-Strike, Double Jump, Hyper-Strike, Flip Left, Flip Right, Full Second Crouch.

Big Head Mode For Enemies
After beating Drek, go to the Goodies screen and do the following moves: Stretch Jump, Flip Back, Flip Back, Flip Back, Stretch Jump, Flip Back, Flip Back, Flip Back, Stretch Jump, Flip Back, Flip Back, Flip Back, Full Second Crouch.

Big Head Mode For Ratchet
After beating Drek, go to the Goodies screen and perform these moves to unlock the cheat: Flip Left, Flip Right, Flip Back, Flip Back, Comet-Strike, Double Jump, Comet-Strike, Hyper-Strike


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